October 4, 2011

  • Sure is sunny here in Florida. The weather has been so mild ... the other day I thought about grabbing my jacket! God knew I would appreciate this. He must like me.
    We're having a grand ol' time. We're just relaxing and the girls are enjoying their time with Aunt Serena. Freya took two steps yesterday. She'll be walking soon I think!

    The plane ride was interesting. Freya, who is normally very relaxed and happy, was all up in arms about something. I held her in the back with the stewards/stewardesses and that helped. One of the stewards whipped out his iphone and showed me pictures of his five, yes, five poodles. Three mini and two standards. Cocoa was diagnosed with something or other, but is doing fine so far. He even showed me a video of her. Him? Must have been a girl because Cocoa was wearing bows. Unless boy Cocoa likes to mix things up? Anyway, the steward, Phillip, also showed me pictures of his friends' little boy named Brixton. He only weighed like two pounds when he was born. He is also doing well. Phillip said that I should name my next baby Brixton and I asked him is I should call him Brix for short and he said, emphatically, "No. It's just Brixton". Whoa, I saw the feisty side of Phillip on that one.

    Because I'm a fluff nerd, I took a picture of my favorite diaper sunning in the Florida sunshine. It's from Green Mountain Diapers and the owner, Karen, has answered the phone both times I called. It's true. Karen from GMD takes my calls personally. You might want my autograph.

    Love my baby fluff buns

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